
Workplace Injuries on the Rise Nationally

Overall, American workplaces have become much safer over the past century than they used to be. Even in the last few decades, better safety standards enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and stricter state and federal rules and regulations have all made U.S. labor more safe, healthy, and humane. In fact, before […]

The Rising Challenges Faced by Disabled Americans

Many disabled people are feeling increasingly under attack by callous companies and various government entities these days. For example, Delta Airlines has reduced its services to disabled people, according to the Philadelphia Tribune; during the recent presidential election, a disabled journalist became a punchline during a rally; and Medicaid, which provides services to the disabled […]

Deadly Snowmobile Crash in Wisconsin

A man was killed snowmobiling in Land O’ Lakes, Wisconsin earlier this winter, as reported by the Journal Star. While initial reports alleged that the man was in an off-trail area and hit a tree, which would suggest no wrongdoing on any other party’s behalf, not all snowmobile accidents are so innocent. A lot can […]

Seeking Damages From Friends and Family Following Traffic Collision

Not all crashes are caused by strangers. In fact, there is a pretty good chance that you will be involved in a traffic collision, as a passenger, caused by a driver that you know fairly well. But when passengers get injured by the driver of the car they were in, be it a single or […]

Specifics of Medical Malpractice in Minnesota

In possibly the largest wrongful death medical malpractice lawsuit verdict in Minnesota history, jurors awarded $20 million to the family of a mother who died after giving birth to her child. The woman died less than a week after delivering her baby at Abbott Northwestern Hospital, according to the Star Tribune. The lawsuit claims that […]

Workplace Dangers in Wisconsin

Wisconsin worker fatalities rose slightly from 2014 to 2015, according to research by The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) and reported by Wisconsin Public Radio. To be sure, 99 workers were killed in 2014, while 104 were killed in 2015. The report outlines the importance of abiding the regulations set […]

Common Issues In Dog Bite Cases

In 2016, homeowners’ insurance companies paid over $600 million to dog bite victims. That amount has increased significantly since 2003, largely due to rising medical costs and the nature of the injuries sustained in these incidents. Almost every year since 2005, medical bill inflation has substantially outpaced non-medical cost increases. Furthermore, many dog bite victims […]

Understanding Fault Laws in Minnesota

Each state in the nation is given autonomy in determining how it will construct its law regarding negligence, liability, and damages following an accident. In Minnesota, the state maintains a no-fault car insurance system, but recognizes modified comparative negligence in personal injury suits. Here’s what you need to know: Minnesota’s No-Fault Car Insurance A state […]

How Much Is My Personal Injury Claim Worth?

When you have been injured due to someone’s negligence, you do not want to make the mistake of underestimating the value of your claim. Insurance companies may try to trick you into accepting an insultingly low settlement offer that absolves them of any liability in your case. Only a personal injury lawyer can provide a […]

Serious Motorcycle Crash In Waseca

A motorcycle rider and passenger were seriously injured when a vehicle driver made a U-turn directly into their path. 63-year-old David Kmoch, of Cedar Falls, was driving the bike as his wife, 63-year-old Connie Jo Kmoch, sat behind him. As the couple rode southbound on Highway 13, 26-year-old Candice Kimbrough, of Markham, Ill., tried to […]

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