Can personal injury be psychological?

Personal injuries are not only physical but can also be emotional. We call them psychological injuries, and victims can pursue compensation in the Wisconsin court system.

What is an Emotional Injury?

Emotional injury or psychological trauma are situations that occur after a traumatic event. The symptoms of psychological trauma range from one person to another but may include aspects of:

  • Extreme fear
  • Varying degrees of distress
  • High levels of anxiety or stress
  • The inability to focus on life around you
  • Frequent bouts of crying
  • Depression
  • Constant worrying
  • Reliving the event over and over

Legally, we refer to these as pain and suffering. We look at the degree of emotional and the physical side of suffering caused by psychological trauma. You will need a personal injury attorney to help you fight for your rights and compensation.

The Impact of Psychological Trauma

To say that psychological trauma changes you is an understatement. Psychological trauma can change the world around you and remove pieces of who you are.

The stress, fear, and worry that follow a traumatic event requires a great deal of personal energy from the victim and those around them. In addition, these sorts of injuries take a physical and emotional toll on relationships between parent and child, husband and wife, and friendships.

One example of psychological trauma is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD is a broad term covering a range of conditions and symptoms. It is a driving force behind suicide in military personnel who’ve come home and citizens who have witnessed or experienced trauma. PTSD is just one example of the validation of psychological injuries.

Psychological Injuries

Not all psychological injuries are a result of violence. They can develop slowly and occur through everyday living. An example would be a spouse who belittles and criticizes or bullies. The results can leave you without confidence, fearful, stressed, and demoralized. These injuries can be from personal relationships or relationships at the workplace.

If you want to know more about emotional or psychological injuries and whether you or someone you know is experiencing psychological pain and suffering, give us a call.

At Novitzke, Gust, Sempf, Whitley & Bergmanis, we’ve established a tradition of integrity, professionalism, and strong client relationships. Our primary focus is client-driven — we assess individual needs and help tailor strategies to help our clients reach their legal goals. You will receive honest, no-nonsense advice about your personal injury matter so that you may make informed decisions.

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Amery, WI 54001
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